1.      These are aquatic animals; some are fresh water while some are marine water.
2.      They may be solitary, colonial, and sedentary or free swimming.
3.      They possess a cavity called coelenteron and are diploblastic having non cellular mesoglea.
4.      The animals are radially symmetrical and appear in two forms polyp and medusa.
5.      Digestion both extracellular and intra.
6.      Special types of cells i.e. stinging cells/ nematocysts are present.
7.      Reproduction sexual as well as asexual
8.      This phylum is divided in to following three classes
9.      Phylum — Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, and Anthozoa.

Phylum;                 Coelenterata                Coelomic enteron 
Class:                     Hydrozoa                    Polyps without stomodaeum
Order :                   Hydroida                     Polyp stage is pre-dominant.
Genus:                   Hydra                         
Species                  vulgaris

·         CHARACTERS :
1.      Found in  freshwater in pond lakes and streams
2.      Attached to the substratum with it base
3.      Body is cylindrical.
4.      Mouth present on anterior end on hypostome.
5.      Mouth is surrounded by 6 to 10 tentacles.
6.      Nematocysts are the organs of offence and defense.
7.      Hermaphrodite animal.
8.      Reproduction by sexual and asexual.

Phylum;           Coelenterata                Coelomic enteron 
Class:               Hydrozoa                    Polyps without stomodaeum
Order :             Hydroida                     Polyp stage is pre-dominant.
Genus:             Obelia
Species            geniculata

·         CHARACTERS:
1.      Found in marine water.
2.      Colonial animal.
3.      Polyp or  hydranth is the nutritive zoids of colony.
4.      Tentacles are solid.
5.      Polyps reproduces asexually by budding.
6.      Sexual reproduction by Medusa.

Phylum;           Coelenterata                Coelomic enteron 
Class    :           Scyphozoa                   Medusa stage dominant and polyp stage reduced or absent.
Order   :           Saemaeostomae           Flat disc like umbrella.
Genus :            Aurelia

·         CHARACTERS:
  1. Commonly called as jelly fish.
  2. Found in marine water.
  3. Convex aboral surface (Umbrellar surface)
  4.  concave oral surface  (Ex-umbrellar surface. )
5.   Mouth is present on ex-umbrelar surface..
  1. Presence of 4 tentacles.
  2. Present of 4 oral arms.
  3. Tentacles with nematocyst as organ of offence and defense.
  4. Sexes are separate.

Phylum;     Coelenterata                Coelomic enteron
Class       Anthozoa                                Only polypoid generation, sedentary, solitary or   colonial.
Order -      Actiniaria                                Without skeleton, with mesenteries or septa in multiple of six,
Type -        Metridium.                  Basal disc present.

  1. It is marine coelenterate. 
  2. It has usually brownish or pinkish colour.
  3. Body is short, cylindrical, radially symmetrical  
  4.  Body is divisible into pedal disc, column and oral disc
  5. Pedal disc or base is attached to substratum firmly.
  6. The column forms major part of the body.
  7. The column is divisible into an upper, short, thin walled   capitulum and lower, thick walled scapus.
  8.  The capitulum and the scapus are separated by a prominent fold called as collar.
  9.  The oral disc is surrounded by several marginal tentacles around the mouth.

Dr, Vidhin Kamble 
Department of Zoology
Sangola College, Sangola 

Practical Content

  Practical Course in Zoology for B. Sc. I 1. Study of the following specimens (General characters and classification)CD/Model/Chart/Slides/...