1.     Arthropoda means jointed legs.  It includes individuals with jointed appendages.
2.     It is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom, and comprises 80 percent of animal species.
3.      Found in a cosmopolitan area.
4.     They are omnivorous in feeding habit Some forms are carnivorous (Scorpion)
5.     Some organisms are ectoparasite
6.      The digestive system is complete and well developed
7.     They are triploblastic and bilaterally symmetrical.
8.     The body is divisible into the head thorax and abdomen.
9.     The exoskeleton is made up of a chitinous cuticle and protein.
10.     Presence of a pair of antennae.
11.     Molting or ecdysis is the most common phenomenon, which facilitates growth.
12.     Presence of the true haemo-coelomic cavity filled with hemolymph or   
          haemocoel omic fluid.
13.      Respiratory pigment if present is hemocyanin (few are with hemoglobin).
14.      Respiratory pigment hemocyanin contains copper.
15.     The sensory organs are compound eyes, anal cirri, bristles, statocyst, antenna, etc.
16.     Excretory organs are green glands or coxal glands.  In terrestrial arthropods malphigian  
17.   They are mostly unisexual i. e. Sexes are separate.
18.     Sexual dimorphism is occurs
19.     Internal fertilization occurs in aquatic forms. Internal fertilization occurs in terrestrial
20.         Development is direct or indirect.
21.         Egg is centrolecithal.
22.         Cleavage is meroblastic and superficial. 

 Phylum Arthropods Chart 

Kingdom         Animalia          Eukaryotic, heterophic animal.
Phylum:           Arthropoda     Jointed appendages
Class                Crustacea        Head and thorax fused (cephalothorax)  
Order:              Thoracica         Six pair of thoracic appendages called cirri.
Genus :            Balanus
Species            amphitrite


1.      It is commonly known as acorn or rock barnacle.
2.      It is sessile and marine animal.
3.      It found attached to the rock.
4.      Presence of 6 pairs of thoracic appendages.
5.      Heart and blood vessels absent.
6.      Hermaphrodite animal.

Kingdom         Animalia          Eukaryotic, heterophic animal.
Phylum:           Arthropoda     Jointed appendages.
Class                Crutacea          Head and thorax fused (cephalothorax).  
Order:              Decapoda        Presence of 10 pairs of appendages.
Genus  :           Penaeus
Species :          monodon
  • 1.      It is freshwater as well as marine water.
  • 2.      Presence of 10 pairs of appendages.
  • 3.      Head fused with thorax forming ephalothorax.
  • 4.      Cephalothorax is covered by carapace.
  • 5.      Presence of telson.

King crab
Kingdom         Animalia          Eukaryotic, heterophic animal.
Phylum:           Arthropoda     Jointed appendages.
Class                Merostomata   Aquatic form and compound eyes are well developed.
Order:              xiphosurida     prosoma coveed with horse shoe shaped carapace.
Genus              Limulus
Species:           polyphemus    

1.      It is commonly called as King krab
2.      Body is divided into prosoma,
                           mesosoma  and metasoma.
3.      It is living fossil.
4.      Body is covered with carapace.
5.      6 pair of movable spins on mesoma.
6.      Respiratory organs are book lung.
7.      Presence of telson.
8.      Sexes are separate.

Kingdom         Animalia                      Eukaryotic, heterophic animal.
Phylum:           Arthropoda                 Jointed appendages.
Class                Arachnida                   4 pairs of thoracic legs.
Order:              Scorpinoida                 Presence of sting apparatus.
Genus              Palamnaeus
Species            bengalensis

1.      It is living fossil.
2.      It is nocturnal animal. 
3.      It has poisonous sting at its end.
4.      Body divisible into prosoma, mesosoma and metasoma
5.      Chelacera are small.
6.      Pedipalp is much larger.
7.      Four pairs of walking legs.
8.      Five pairs of lateral eyes
9.      Respiratory organs are book lungs.
10.  Scorpions is poisonous animal.
11.  Sexes are separate.
Kingdom         Animalia          Eukaryotic, heterophic animal.
Phylum:           Arthropoda     Jointed appendages.
Class                Insecta             Body divided into head, thorax and abdomen.
Order:              Orthoptera       Prothorax large.
Genus:             Schistocerca
Species            gregarian

1.      Thorax bears 3  pairs of walking legs.
2.      Two pairs of wings.
3.      Abdomen is segmented and cylindrical.
4.      Male has anal style.
5.      Female has ovipositor.
6.      It is serious crop pest.
7.      Sexes are separate.

Kingdom         Animalia          Eukaryotic, heterophic animal.
Phylum:           Arthropoda     Jointed appendages.
Class                Insecta             Body divided into head, thorax and abdomen.
Order               Lepidoptera     compound eyes are very large./
Genus :            Raphicera
Species:           satricus
1.      Thorax bears 3  pairs of walking legs.
2.      Two pairs of wings.
3.      Abdomen is segmented and cylindrical.
4.      Antennae shows terminals enlargement.
5.      Wing are colourfull and attractive.
6.      Metamorphosis is complete.
7.      Larva is called catrpiller.
8.      Sexes are separate.

Kingdom         Animalia          Eukaryotic, heterophic animal.
Phylum:           Arthropoda     Jointed appendages.
Class                Chilopoda       Body is divided into head and trunk.
Order:              scolopendromorpha     body elongated dorso- ventrally  flattened.  
Genus :            Scholopendra
Species:           subspinipes     

1.      Centipeds are 100 leggers.
2.      Body is segmented.
3.      Each segment has a pair of walking legs.
4.      1st five pairs are curved act as poison glands.
5.      Anus is in the last body segment.
6.      Presence of anal style.
7.      It is carnivorous.

Kingdom         Animalia                      Eukaryotic, heterophic animal.
Phylum:           Arthropoda                 Jointed appendages.
Class                Diplopoda                   two pairs of walking legs to each segment.
Order:              Julida                           Spinneretes absent in last segment.  
Genus:             Cylindroiulus
Species            :londinensis
1.      Commonly called as Julus.
2.      It is also called 1000 leggers.
3.      Body is segmented.
4.      Each segment has two pairs of leg.
5.      Simple eyes.
6.      Antenna 7 segmented.
7.      Julus is herbivorous.

Kingdom         Animalia                      Eukaryotic, heterophic animal.
Phylum:           Arthropoda                 Jointed appendages.
Class:               Onychophora              Exoskeleton absent, parapodia with claws
Genus              Peripatus         ,
Species                        capensis
1.      It is connecting link between annelid and arthropod.
2.      Body is caterpillar like.
3.      Body is segmented.
4.      Alimentary canal is straight.
5.      Presence of segmented antenna.
6.      Presence of Chitenous  jaw.
7.      Parapodia terminates into claws.

Practical Content

  Practical Course in Zoology for B. Sc. I 1. Study of the following specimens (General characters and classification)CD/Model/Chart/Slides/...